Monday, February 6, 2012

Waking up!

There seems to be a new stirring in the area of prayer, these days! Anyone else feeling it?  As I've begun to listen to different ones either feeling called back to prayer, or hearing about new people asking to learn about prayer,  I've sensed the same thing; stay awake!

What does that mean? Well, simply this! It's one thing to be asleep and have someone or something 'wake you up'. It's another thing to answer that call, and stay awake..or better yet 'get up'!  When people have been turned  off of prayer for a long time, or when they haven't prayed in a group for quite a while, it's going to take discipline to get back into the rhythm of prayer!  The initial answer to the call is just the first step. The next step is get out of your comfort zone, and respond!  Like the person who's having a wonderful sleep. You call them..and they can answer you - my teenagers do this all the time!' Yup! I heard you. I'm getting up!'..and then they go right back to sleep! Unless they actually get out of their comfort zone - which in their case , is that wonderful cozy comforter they're under - they will get lulled right back to sleep.   We can do the same thing!

We hear the spirit of the Lord say ' Come! Get up and pray!'....or ' Wake up!'..and we initially get stirred! ' I hear you Lord!  I'm coming!'...but we don't change our position or move from our comfort zone..and slowly we get lulled back to sleep, or spiritual dullness. 

How do we change our position?  Do something you haven't done before - get out of the house...or join with a group. Find another friend to pray with you. Be accountable with someone for your prayer time.
But staying in our own little world will just lull u back to sleep.

So intercessors...before you can wake up a sleeping'd better make sure you're awake first!

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